Friday, March 7, 2014


See also Prophet and Prophecy

Years (BC)
Prophetesses of Israel
Sarah (Sarai) (שָׂרָה (שָׂרַי c. 2000 Genesis wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac; first matriarch.
Miriam מִרְיָם c. 1500 Exodus sister of Moses; composed a victory song after Pharaoh's army was drowned in the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20-21).
Deborah Dvora דְּבוֹרָה c. 1200 Judges 4-5 also judge of Israel (the only woman to hold this office); fought against (with the help of Barak, the army leader) Jabin of Hazor King of Canaan and Sisera his captain, and after the victory, Deborah and Barak sang the Song of Deborah, a praise to God (Judges 5).
Hannah Chana חַנָּה c. 1100 1 Sam 1:1-2:21 mother of Samuel; commemorated as a matriarch in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Churchs on September 3.
Avigail אֲבִיגַיִל c. 1000 1 Sam 25:1-25:42 wife of King David
Huldah חֻלְדָּה c. 610 2 Kings 22:14-20 consulted by Josiah, King of Judah (640–609 B.C.) to give the God`s opinion after a book of the Law is rediscovered
Esther (Hadassah) (אֶסְתֵּר (הֲדַסָּה c. 470 Esther the queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes I or Artaxerxes II); saved Persian Jews with the help of her cousin Mordechai from the hands of the wicked Haman
Prophets of Israel
Abraham (Abram) Avraham אַבְרָהָם
Avram אַבְרָם
c. 2100 Genesis 11–25 regarded as the founding Biblical patriarch of the Israelites (Judaism, Monotheism); Muslims believe that they are descendents of Abraham and Hagar through their son Ishmael.
Isaac Yitzchak יִצְחָק c. 2060 Genesis 21-35 second Biblical patriarch; the only son of Abraham and Sara, married Rebecca, father of Jacob and Esau; an angel intervention prevented Abraham from sacrificing Isaac; prophet in Islam
Jacob (Israel) (Ya'akov) יַעֲקֹב
c. 2000 Genesis 25- 49 the third Biblical patriarch; his father is Isaac, his grandfather is Abraham, and his twin brother is Esau; was chosen by God to became the father of Israel through his children - the twelve tribes.
Moses Moshe מֹשֶׁה c. 1500 Ex 2 - Deut 34 Hebrew lawgiver; traditionally considered the transcriber of the Torah, or the first five books of the Bible; the only person who ever knew God face-to-face (Deuteronomy 34:10) and mouth-to-mouth (Numbers 12:8); the leader of the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt; in Jewish tradition he is called "Our Master Moshe", "Servant of God", and "Father of all the Prophets"; he is also an important prophet in Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith.
Aaron Aharon אַהֲרֹן c. 1500 Ex 4 - Num 33 brother of Moses; played an important role in the Hebrew history by helping Moses in the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt; the first Israelite High Priest.
Joshua Yehoshuah יְהוֹשֻׁעַ c. 1400 Ex, Num, Josh Israelite leader who succeeded Moses and led the conquest of Canaan
Pinchas (Phinehas) פִּינְחָס c. 1400 Num 25:7-11; Josh 22 grand-son of Aaron; succeeded his father,Eleazar, as High-priest of the Israelites
Elkanah אֶלְקָנָה c. 1150 I Samuel 1:1-2:20 father of Samuel
Eli עֵלִי c. 1110 I Samuel 1:9 - 4:18 Biblical priest of Shiloh and Israelite judge, who trained the young prophet Samuel
Samuel Shmuel שְׁמוּאֵל c. 1100 1 Samuel last of the Hebrew Judges and the first of the major prophets who began to prophesy inside the Land of Israel; established the Hebrew monarchy, with the anointing of Saul and after that the anointing of David.
Gad גָּד c. 1000 2 Samuel 24:11-19 after David confesses his sin of taking a census of the people of Israel and Judah, God sends Gad to David to offer him his choice of three forms of punishment (2 Samuel 24:11-13).
Nathan נָתָן c. 1000 2 Sam 7:2 - 17,
12:1 - 25
confronted King David over David's adultery with Bath-sheba and her husband's, Uriah the Hittite, murder.
David דָּוִד c. 1000 1 Samuel 16:1 -
1 Kings 2:11
second king of ancient Israel; the young David, before becoming King, kills Goliath with a stone from his sling, at which the Philistines flee in terror and the Israelites win a great victory; commits adultery with Bath-sheba and murders her husband, Uriah the Hittite; many Psalms of the Bible are attributed to him; In Judaism the "house of David" became a symbol of the bond between God and the nation; in Christianity Jesus is a descent from the tree of Jesse and David and many of his titles and functions were attributed to Jesus, the word messiah is derived from hamoshiach (“the anointed one”), the title of the kings of the line of David; David is one of the prophets of Islam, to whom the Zabur (Psalms) were revealed by God;
Solomon Shlomo שְׁלֹמֹה c. 970 2 Samuel 12:24,
1 Kings 1:10-11:43
son of David and third king of the United Monarchy; the Bible portrays him great in wisdom, wealth, and power; according to Jewish tradition, King Solomon has written three books of the Bible: Mishlei (Book of Proverbs), Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), Shir ha-Shirim (Song of Songs).
Iddo עִדּוֹ c. 960 2 Chr 9:29, 12:15 lived during the reigns of King Solomon and his heirs, Rehoboam and Abijah in the Kingdom of Judah.
Ahiyah the Shilonite אֲחִיָּה הַשִּׁילֹנִי c. 930 1 Kings 11:29-39,
prophesied the rending of the ten tribes from Solomon and giving them to Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:31-39).
Shemaiah שְׁמַעְיָה c. 930 1 Kings 12:22-24;
2 Chr 12:5-15, 11:2-4
a prophet in the reign of Rehoboam; Prevented Rehoboam from war with Jeroboam (1 Kings 12:22-24; 2 Chronicles 11:2-4); prophesied the punishment of Rehoboam by Shishak, king of Egypt (2 Chronicles 12:5-7)
Oded עוֹדֵד c. 920 2 Chronicles 15:1 father of prophet Azariah; the Talmud lists him as prophet
Hanani חֲנָנִי c. 920 I Kings 16:1 father of prophet Jehu; the Talmud lists him as prophet
Jehu son of Hanani יֵהוּא בֶן-חֲנָנִי c. 900 1 Kings 16:1 - 7 prophesied against Baasha, the third king of the northern kingdom of Israel, that God will wipe out Baasha and his house.
Azariah son of Oded עֲזַרְיָהוּ, בֶּן-עוֹדֵד c. 900 2 Chronicles 15 Prompted Asa, Judah King, to correct his ways according to God's demands; as a result Asa removed the idols and repaired the God's altar.
Jahaziel the Levite יַחֲזִיאֵל הַלֵּוִי c. 870 2 Chr 20:14-17 prophesied the King Jehoshaphat of Judah a battle victory over the Moabites, Ammonites and some of the Meunites.
Eliezer son of Dodavahu אֱלִיעֶזֶר בֶּן-דֹּדָוָהוּ c. 870 2 Chronicles 20:37 prophesied against King Jehoshaphat's, of Judah, alliance with King Ahaziah of the northern kingdom of Israel.
Michaiah son of Imlah מִיכָיְהוּ בֶּן-יִמְלָה c. 870 1 Kings 22:8-28,
1 Chr 18:7-27
prophesied that King Ahab of Israel and King Jehoshaphat of Judea would be defeated by the Syrians
Elijah the Tishbite Eliyahu אֵלִיָּהוּ הַתִּשְׁבִּי c. 860 1 Kings 17:1-21:29;
2 Kings 1:10-2:15
prophesied in the reign of King Ahab of the Kingdom of Israel; his mission was to destroy the worship of idols and to restore loyalty to God; raised the dead and miraculously demonstrated that Yahweh (and not Baal) is God; was taken into heaven on a whirlwind. Based on a prophecy in Malachi, Jews await his return as the harbinger of the Messiah. Some Christians believe that Elijah arrived prior to Jesus Christ as John the Baptist (Matthew 17:10-13) but was not recognized, and appeared with Moses during the Transfiguration of Jesus. In the Qur'an, Elijah is a prophet known as Ilyas in Arabic.
Elisha son of Shaphat אֱלִישָׁע בֶּן-שָׁפָט c. 850 1 Kings 19:16-19;
2 Kings 2:1-13:21
continued Elijah work regarding the battle against foreign gods and cults; performed many miracles; instigated a revolt against the dynasty of Omri in the northern Israeli Kingdom, that resulted in the death of the king and his family; also a prophet in Islam under the name Al-Yasa. He is commemorated in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod as a prophet on June 14.
Ovadiah עֹבַדְיָה c. 850 or
c. 630
Obadiah one of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible, prophesied about the destruction of Edom
Hosea son of Beeri Hoshea הוֹשֵׁעַ בֶּן-בְּאֵרִי c. 800 Hosea first of the twelve minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible, preached against the sins of the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash
Amos עָמוֹס c. 750 Amos minor prophet; prophesied in the northern kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam 2, especially against hypocritical worship, oppression of the poor, and immorality.
Amoz Amotz אָמוֹץ c. 750 Isaiah 1:1, 2:1 father of Isaiah
Isaiah son of Amoz Yeshayahu יְשַׁעְיָהוּ בֶן-אָמוֹץ c. 740 Isaiah major prophet; in office during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah; prophesied the destruction and subsequent redemption of Zion; considered the author of the Book of Isaiah; the book contains prophecies interpreted by Christians as references to Jesus Christ, the most famous is the vision of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53).
Micah the Morashtite Micha מִיכָה הַמֹּרַשְׁתִּי c. 730 Micah minor prophet; prophesied throughout the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah; prophesied the destruction of Samaria and the coming of an invader against Jerusalem (Assyria); also offers some hope saying that a new king descend of David would be born in Bethlehem and replace the present king. He would reign in the name of Yahweh and his people would dwell securely and flourish - what in Christianity is interpreted as the coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, which was born in Bethlehem.
Mehseiah Machsiyah מַחְסֵיָה c. 680 Jeremiah 32:12 father of Neriah; the Talmud lists him as prophet
Jonah son of Amittai Yonah יוֹנָה בֶן-אֲמִתַּי legendary Jonah God orders Jonah to prophesy to the city of Nineveh, on his way is swallowed by a large fish; is regarded as a saint by a number of Christian denominations; Jonah is also a prophet in Islam, called in Arabic Yunus, Sura 10 of the Qur'an, the Islamic holy book, is named "Sura Yunus" after him.
Joel son of Pethuel יוֹאֵל בֶּן-פְּתוּאֵל
Joel minor prophet; urges the people of Judah to repent.
Neriah נֵרִיָּה c. 660 Jeremiah 32:12 father of Baruch; The Talmud lists him and his sons Seraiah and Baruch as prophets
Nahum the Elkoshite Nachum נַחוּם הָאֶלְקֹשִׁי c. 650 Nahum minor prophet; predicts the fall of Nineveh, the capital of the great Assyrian empire.
Zephaniah צְפַנְיָה c. 630 Zephaniah minor prophet; lived in the reign of King Josiah of Judah; denounces Judah for idolatry and luxury and that the Day of the Lord will bring doom on Judah's people. However, the book ends with a prophecy of salvation.
Uriah son of Shemaiah Uriahu אוּרִיָּהוּ בֶּן-שְׁמַעְיָהוּ c. 630 Jeremiah 26:20-23 murdered by Jehoiakim, King of Judah, because he repeats the prophet's Jeremiah offensive messages to him.
Jeremiah son of Hilkiah Yirmiyahu יִרְמְיָהוּ בֶּן-חִלְקִיָּהוּ c. 630 Jeremiah major prophet; prophesied in the reigns of Josiah, Jehoahazof and Jehoiakim Kings of Judah; accurately predicted the destruction of Judah, Jerusalem and the Temple by Babylonia and their king Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC.
Baruch son of Neriah Baruch בָּרוּךְ בֶּן-נֵרִיָּה c. 630 Jeremiah 32, 36, 43, 45 scribe, disciple, secretary, and devoted friend of the prophet Jeremiah; wrote down the first and second editions of Jeremiah's prophecies as they were dictated to him by the prophet; the Talmud, included Baruch among the Prophets, and states that he prophesied in the period following the destruction of 586 BC.
Seraiah son of Neriah שְׂרָיָה בֶן-נֵרִיָּה c. 630 Jeremiah 51:61-64 son of Neriah and brother of Baruch; the Talmud lists him as prophet
Habakkuk Havakuk חֲבַקּוּק c. 620 Habakkuk minor prophet; major theme of Habakkuk is personal growth from a faith of perplexity and doubt to the height of absolute trust in God.
Daniel דָּנִיֵּאל ? c. 600 Daniel an Israelite who becomes an adviser to Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of Babylon (605 BC - 562 BC); Daniel was cast into a den of lions (for continuing to practice his faith in YHWH), but was miraculously delivered; In Jewish tradition, Daniel is not counted in the list of prophets for two reasons: 1. Daniel never spoke directly to God; 2. Daniel speaks to future generations not to his generation. Nevertheless, Christians regard Daniel as a prophet; Daniel was considered a prophet at Qumran scroll (4Q174 [4QFlorilegium]) and later by Josephus; had three visions and one dream maintaining an apocalyptic view of history: in the end time the reign of God will be established and the faithful, through a resurrection, will be relieved of their suffering and advises its readers to endure to the point of martyrdom.
Ezekiel son of Buzi Yehezkel יְחֶזְקֵאל בֶּן-בּוּזִי c. 590 Ezekiel major prophet; preached to Jews of the Babylonian exile; his prophecies include besides oracles of warning concerning the abomination in the Jerusalem Temple and bad conduct also oracles of restoration of the Temple and solace for the Jewish people; Ezekiel's greatest miracle consisted the resuscitation of the dead dry bones (Ezekiel 37); is recognize as a saint and prophet by many Christian churches; Muslims believe that Ezekiel is the prophet Dhul-Kifl, mentioned in the Qur'an;
Haggai חַגַּי c. 520 Haggai minor prophet; his ministry belonged to the period of Jewish history which began after the return from captivity in Babylon; prompts the people to renew the restoration of the Temple as a prerequisite for the coming of Messia from a Davidic lineage.
Zechariah son of Berekiah זְכַרְיָה בֶּן-בֶּרֶכְיָה c. 520 Zechariah minor prophet; contemporary of Haggai, together prompt the people to restore the Temple
Mordecai son of Jair Mordechai מָרְדֳּכַי בֶּן יָאִיר c. 500 Esther helped his cousin Esther (Hadassah) to save Persian Jews from the hands of the wicked Haman
Malachi מַלְאָכִי c. 430 Malachi last minor prophet; rebukes the priests behaviour in post-exilic Jerusalem and the people for their foreign marriages; prophesied the coming Day of Judgment with the reappearance of Elijah.

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