Tuesday, March 4, 2014

kings of israel

1. Jeroboam - King of Israel
  • Jeroboam : Reigned 22 artificial or 19 Solar years : 1 Kings 14:20
  • Commencing in the artificial year commencing June 11th 936 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year commenced in Nisan of 935 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 1st October 916 BCe
2. Nedab - King of Israel
  • Nedab son of Jeroboam : 1 Kings 15: 25
  • Ruled only a few months between October 917 BCE and October 916 BCE
  • Commenced in 2nd year of Asa and Murdered in Asa's 3rd year by Baasha
  • He commenced his only True Regnal Year in Nisan of 916 BCE
3. Baasha - King of Israel
  • Baasha usurper : Reigned 24 artificial or 21 solar years : 1 Kings 15:33
  • First artificial Regnal year as from 2nd October 916 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan 915 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 27th November 894 BCE
4. Elah - King of Israel
  • Elah son of Baasha : reigned a few months between December 895 BCE and November 894 BCE.
  • Ascends the throne during Asa's 26th artificial year and is murdered during the 27th artificial year 1 Kings 16:8,10
  • His only True Regnal Year commenced Nisan of 894 BCE
5. Omri - King of Israel
  • Omri takes control of Israel : Reigns 12 artificial or 11 solar years
  • For only part of this time was he the sole and undisputed ruler.
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 28th November 894 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced in Nisan of 893 BCE
  • He died artificial year ending 24th December 883 BCE
6. Ahab - King of Israel 7. Ahaziah - King of Israel
  • Ahaziah of Israel son of Ahab : Reigned 2 artificial years (co-reigning - not independent)
  • During Jehoshaphat's 17th and 18th years Ahaziah commences to reign 1 Kings 22:51
  • These years are Ahab's 20th and 21st artificial years - Ahab reigned 22 artificial years.
  • Jehoshaphat commenced during Ahab's 4th year 1 kings 22:41
    (See Solar Chart)
8. Jehoram - King of Israel son of Ahab
  • Jehoram of Israel son of Ahab : allegedly Reigned artificial 12 years - this is Redactorial error:
  • He Commenced during Jehoshaphat's 18th Year 2 Kings 3:1 ie: Ahab's 21st year
  • The synchronisms indicate that Ahaziah did not survive Ahab, but his 2 year reign was deducted from the year left until Jehu slew Jehoram - thus reducing Jehoram's reign.
  • Jehoram's First artificial regnal year commenced April 17th 862 BCE which is very close to Nisan of 862 BCE
  • He Died in artificial year ending 19th February 848 BCE
  • He Reigned a total of 15 artificial years or 14 solar years.
  • See The Life and Death of King Ahab of Israel
  • Newsletter No. 15 entitled: The Burning of the Temple
9. Jehu - King of Israel
  • Jehu - usurper - : Reigned 28 artificial or 26 solar years : 2 Kings 10:36
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 20th Feb 848 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan of 848 BCE
  • He Died in artificial year ending 24th December 823 BCE
  • Jehu killed the kings of Israel and Judah at the same time.
  • Joash of Judah commenced in the 7th year of Jehu
  • In Joash's 23rd year, Jehu's son commences to reign
10. Jehoahaz - King of Israel
  • Jehoahaz son of Jehu : Reigned 17 artificial or 16 solar years : 2 Kings 13:1
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 25th December 823 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan of 822 BCE
  • He died artificial year ending 3rd Sept 807 BCE.
  • Jehoahaz commences in the 23rd artificial year of Joash of Judah. 21st Solar Year
  • In Joash of Judah's 37th Solar year (16 years later) Jehoahaz' son Jehoash commences to co-rule.(See Solar Chart)
11. Jehoash - King of Israel
  • Jehoash of Israel son of Jehoahaz : Reigned 16 artificial or 14 solar years : 2 Kings 13:10
  • First Artificial Regnal year commenced 4th September 807 BVE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan of 806 BCE
  • He Died in the artificial year ending 9th July 793 BCE
  • Josephus records that Jehoash of Israel commenced in the 37th year of Joash of Judah.
  • In Solar year reckoning this is correct. In Artificial years it was Joash's 40th year.
12. Jeroboam II - King of Israel
  • Jeroboam II son of Jehoash of Israel : Reigns 41 or 37 solar years : 2 Kings 14:23
  • Jeroboam commenced in the 15th artificial year of Amaziah
  • Amaziah lives 15 years more than Jeroboam's father
  • Therefore Jeroboam's last year is Uzziah's 38th year.
  • Uzziah's 38th year, Jeroboam's son commences.
  • Therefore His first regnal year is his father's last regnal year
13. Zechariah - King of Israel
  • Zechariah son of Jeroboam II commences is Uzziah's 38th year
  • He is soon murdered.
  • The Synchronisation with the 38th of Uzziah is an extrapolation from the Biblical Data which is provided in an artificial measurement.
  • Jeroboam's last year and Zechariah's Ascension year are in fact Uzziah's 24th Independent Solar Year Reign.
  • Note: The Solar Chart shows this year as the 39th of Uzziah. That is because that particular section deals with a different issue - that of determining if the 52 years of Uzziah are artificial or Solar.

The data presented for this period on the Solar Chart
demonstrates that if the 52 years of Uzziah are meant to be taken as Solar years,
then the synchronizations with the reigns from Zechariah to Pekah are incorrect.

14. Shallum - King of Israel
  • Shallum - usurper - replaces Zechariah in Uzziah's 39th year
  • Shallum is also killed.
15. Menehem - King of Israel
  • Menehem - usurper - replaces Shallum in Uzziah's 39th year.
  • Menehem reigns 10 years 2 Kings 15:15,17
  • Menehem's son Pekahiah commences in Uzziah's 50th year
  • In Uzziah's 52nd year Pekah kills Pekahiah.
  • Therefore Uzziah's 39th year is Menehem's Ascension year
  • Menehem's First artificial regnal year commenced 17th April 754 BCE
  • This is roughly Nisan and therefore Menehem's 1st True Regnal Year
  • Menehem died in the artificial year ending 9th July 745 BCE
  • This conflicts with current Academic positions which require Menehem to be on the throne in at least 743 BCE if not later. See: The Syro-Ephraimitic War : 734 BCE to 732 BCE.
16. Pekahiah - King of Israel
  • Pekahiah son of Menehem - Reigned 2 years - commences Uzziah's 50th year
  • First Artificial Regnal year commenced 10th July 745 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan of 744 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 13th May 743 BCE - Slain by Pekah.
17. Pekah - King of Israel
  • Pekah - usurper. 1 Kings 15:27 says he reigned for 20 years.
  • The King's Calendar demonstrates 14 artificial years.
  • Some academics suggest as little as 5 years.
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 14th May 743 BCE
  • Whilst his First True Regnal year might have been Nisan of 743 BCE, in the Solar Chart his First True Regnal Year is at Nisan of 742 BCE - to provide a 12 Solar year reign and to allow Pekahiah to reign 2 full True Regnal years.
  • Pekah Died during the artificial year ending 16th April 730 BCE
  • With Rezin of Damascus he fought the Syro-Ephraimitic war 734 BCE – 732BCE
  • He Fought against Jotham of Judah not Ahaz of Judah
18. Hoshea - King of Israel
  • Hoshea of Israel - Reigned 9 (solar or artificial) years.
  • The precise placement of his reign depends on when Pekah actually died
  • And it depends on precisely when Hoshea commenced to reign.
  • It also depends upon how the Babylonian chronicles are to be interpreted.
  • The King's Calendar offers two ways to interpret the data.
  • The presentation in Appendix 5 and in the Solar Chart, is as follows:
  • Hoshea Ascended the Throne in 731 BCE
  • First Artificial Regnal year commenced 17th April 730 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan of 730 BCE
  • He commenced in the 12th True Regnal year of Jotham (Not Ahaz)
  • This the Jotham's 20th year since becoming Govenor
  • Hoshea reigned 9 solar years
  • His 7th solar year was 724 BCE when Samaria was besieged by the Assyrians
  • This was Ahaz' 4th SOLAR year not Hezekiah's
  • In Hoshea's 9th solar year - 722 BCE - Samaria went into exile.
  • This was Ahaz 7th SOLAR year - not Hezekiah's.
  • See From Uzziah to Josiah

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