"Noble gentlemen, my fourth voyage was unique and without parallel. I
went to sea once again. My wretched soul must have entered into a pact
with the sea devil, as he managed to lure me out again in order to
torment me with his unpredictable whims and to subject me to further
suffering. For a number of days all went well, but then a terrible storm
broke over us, smashed our ship and threw what remained of it like a
bundle of firewood on to the shore of an island.

Most of the merchants had disappeared into the deep with all their
worldly goods. I myself had been struggling in the water for almost a
whole day before the good God had mercy on me and allowed me and three
of my companions to reach land.
To keep body and soul together we lived for a time on the sparse grasses
we found growing near the shore. This island brought us no prospect of
rescue, but new perils. We fell into the hands of huge gorilla-like
creatures who were man-eaters and threw themselves upon us with
voracious appetite. I had to watch my companions being roasted on a
spit. When one of these monsters reached out to seize me with a hand as
big as a house, I realised for the first time in my life that I was an
excellent runner.
After I had been running the whole day, I sat down breathless on a
cliff, immensely relieved that my flight had been successful.
I was utterly amazed to see a large city down in the valley before me
with turrets and towers of exotic appearance. Some people soon
approached me who were black as Moors and enveloped in white robes like
Beduins. They brought me before their black king, who was a benevolent

I did not understand his language, but an interpreter gave me to
understand that the sovereign was greatly pleased to have made my
acquaintance and that he would regard me henceforward as his friend.
Indeed, I was told, he intended to do me an even greater honour: he
wished to elevate me to the status of his brother-in-law. The king's
sister, an old hag so fat that she resembled an enormous over-ripe pear,
was to be my wife. I consented to everything, but made my escape at the
very first opportunity. I carried off all the treasures that had been
heaped upon me and secretly boarded a ship. After many further dangerous
voyages I was finally able to return home."
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