Tuesday, March 4, 2014

kings og judah

1. Rehoboam - King of Judah
  • Rehoboam : son of Solomon : Reigned 17 artificial or 15 Solar years : 1 Kings 14:21
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced June 11th 936 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan of 935 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 19th February 920 BCE
2. Abijah - King of Judah
  • Abijah : son of Rehoboam : Reigned 3 artificial or 2 solar years : 1 Kings 15: 1
  • Commenced in Jeroboam's 18th artificial year.
  • First Artificial Regnal Year commenced 20th February 920 BCE
  • His first True Regnal Year commenced in Nisan 920 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 27th November 918 BCE
3. Asa - King of Judah
  • Asa : son of Abijah : Reigned 41 artificial years or 39 solar years : 1 Kings 15:19
  • Ascended during Jeroboam's 20th artificial year (25th December 919 BCE to 27th November 918 BCE )
  • First Artificial Regnal year commenced 28th November 918 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan of 918 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 1st October 880 BCE
4. Jehoshaphat - King of Judah
  • Jehoshaphat : son of Asa : Reigned 25 artificial or 22 solar years : 1 Kings 22:41
  • First Artificial Regnal year commenced 2nd October 880 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan 879 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 30th October 857 BCE
  • No. 17 : The Significance of Ahab's death.
5. Jehoram - King of Judah
  • Jehoram of Judah : Son of Jehoshaphat : Reigned 8 Artificial / solar years : 2 Kings 8:16
  • First Artificial Regnal Year commenced 31st October 857 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan 857 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 19th March 849 BCE
  • Assyrian, Babylonian and Israelite History 8th Century
6. Ahaziah - King of Judah 7. Athaliah - Queen of Judah
  • Athaliah - usurper : Reigned 6 artificial / solar years : 2 Kings 11:1
  • First Artificial Regnal Year commencing 20th February 848 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan of 848 BCE
  • Died Artificial Year Ending 3rd September 843 BCE
8. Joash - King of Judah
  • Joash of Judah : Son of Ahaziah of Judah : Reigned 40 artificial or 37 solar years : 2 Kings 12:1
  • First Artificial Regnal year commencing 4th September 843 BCE
  • First True Regnal Year Nisan of 842 BCE: Died artificial year ending 6th August 806 BCE
9. Amaziah - King of Judah
  • Amaziah son of Joash of Judah : Assigned a Reign of 29 artificial or 26 solar years : 2 Kings 14:2
  • Commenced in 2nd year of Jehoash of Israel
  • First artificial Regnal year commencing 7th August 806 BCE until his death in artificial year ending 13th May 779 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year commenced in Nisan of 805 BCE
  • His reign ceased with the accession of his son Uzziah : in artificial year commencing 17th April 790 BCE
  • However: Using Solar years instead of Artificial Years, it may be that Uzziah took over in 792 BCE to coincide with Amaziah's True 14th Regnal Year and the 1st True Regnal year of Jeroboam
  • Total length of Reign 13 - 15 solar years. (See Solar Chart)
10. Uzziah - King of Judah
  • Uzziah : son of Amaziah : Reigned 52 years : 2 Kings 15:1
  • Uzziah's reign length is only 52 artificial years if his father's reign is counted as 17 artificial years.
  • Uzziah's 52 artificial year reign is calculated from when his father was deposed.
  • From the time of his father's death however, Uzziah reigned only 40 artificial years.
  • Within the Artificial Calendar Uzziah commenced his regency in the year commencing 17th April 790 BCE
  • He commenced his "official reign" in the artificial year commencing 14th May 779 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year will have commenced Nisan of 779 BCE
  • From his 1st True Regnal Year, he will have reigned 37 True Regnal Years
  • He died in the artificial year commencing 14th May 743 BCE dying prior to 16th April 742BCE
  • See Uzziah to Josiah
  • Note It is possible that Uzziah ruled for 52 True Solar Years (See Solar Chart)
11. Jotham - King of Judah
  • Jotham son of Uzziah : Reigned 16 years : He was Regent for his father 7 years
  • 2 Kings 15:30 / 2 Chron 26:21 / 2 Kings 15:32
  • His regency commenced in the artificial year commencing 31st October 749 BCE
  • He had a 15 solar year independent reign:
  • His First Artificial Regnal Year commenced 17th April 742 BCE, and it is likely that that Nisan (before or after April 17th) was his First True Regnal Year
  • Died artificial year ending 21st January 727 BCE
12. Ahaz - King of Judah
  • Ahaz son of Jotham : Assigned 16 articial years he reigned only 13 solar years
  • He did not co-reign with his father or his son.
  • His name has been confused by redactors and some details ascribed to him, belong to his father.
  • His first artificial regnal year commenced in the year commencing 22 January 727 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year commenced in Nisan of 727 BCE
  • His final year ended prior to 28th November 714 BCE
13. Hezekiah - King of Judah
  • Hezekiah brother of Ahaz, has had ascribed to him details which belonged to his father Ahaz.
  • Hezekiah ascended the throne 714 BCE
  • His first artificial Regnal year commenced on 28th November 714 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year will have commenced at Nisan of 714 BCE
  • His 14th Artificial year extended from 28th Nov 702 BCE to 30th Oct 701 BCE
  • His 14th Solar Year extended from Nisan (March) 701 to Nisan of 700 BCE
  • Hezekiah's Artificial and Solar 14th years coincided between March and October of 701 BCE.
  • He was not reigning in 722 BCE when Samaria fell
  • His reign does not synchronise with Hoshea's.
  • He reigned 29 artificial or 27 solar years.
    However it is possible to provide him with a 28 solar year reign (See Solar Chart)
  • In the Artificial Calendar, His final year commenced 2nd October 688 BCE and ended prior to 4th September 687 BCE.
  • See Hezekiah King of Judah
14. Manasseh - King of Judah
  • Manasseh son of Hezekiah : Reigned 55 artificial or 51 solar years : 2 Kings 21:1
  • He did not co-reign with his father Hezekiah.
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 4th September 687 BCE
  • His First True Regnal Year commenced Nisan 686 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 10th June 636 BCE
  • Manasseh King of Judah - Son of Hezekiah
  • Academic Newsletter No 9 Manasseh's Captivity
15. Amon - King of Judah
  • Amon son of Manasseh : Reigned 2 artificial years : 2 Kings 21:19
  • First artificial Regnal year from 11th June 636 BCE
  • He Appears to have had only 1 true Regnal year commencing Nisan of 635 BCE
  • Died artificial year ending 16th April 634 BCE
16. Josiah - King of Judah
  • Josiah son of Amon : Reigned 31 artificial or 29 solar years : 2 Kings 21:1
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 17th April 634 BCE
  • His First True Regnal year commenced at Nisan of the same year
  • He Died August/September 606 BCE
  • Josiah did not die in either 609 BCE or 605 BCE as some would have it.
  • See Josiah to Zedekiah
  • The Death of King Josiah of Judah
17. Jehoahaz - King of Judah 18. Jehoiakim - King of Judah
  • Jehoiakim son of Josiah : reigned 11 artificial or 10 solar years : 2 Kings 23:36
  • First artificial Regnal year commenced 28th November 606 BCE
  • First True Regnal year Nisan 605 BCE
  • He died March 5th 596 BCE
  • How long did King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon Reign?
19. Jehoiachin - King of Judah 20. Zedekiah - King of Judah
  • Zedekiah son of Josiah : reigned 11 artificial or 10 solar years.
  • Ascended the throne June 596 BCE
  • Commenced First artificial Regnal year commencing 22nd January 595 BCE
  • Commenced First True Regnal Year Nisan 595 BCE
  • Taken prisoner July/August 586 BCE
  • No.13: A Biblical Contradiction which is NOT!

I hope that this information has been of assistance.

News flash

Archaeologist in Israel says she's found king's palace Sunday, December 04, 2005 By Scott Wilson, The Washington Post

Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar believes the evidence she has uncovered during months of excavation and biblical comparison points to an extraordinary discovery...She believes she has found the palace of King David....Some archaeologists believe Jerusalem was no more than a tiny hilltop village when it served as David's capital. The discovery of a palace or other large public building from David's time would strengthen the opposing view that he and his son, Solomon, presided over a civilization grander than the collection of rural clans some historians say made up the Jewish kingdom.

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